Have you ever gone to the store and noticed that an item’s price is tagged wrong? How did the store owner or manager deal with it?
This person shares his cousin’s experience in the grocery store where the machine rang up the wrong price for an item. He decided to tell customer service and was surprised at their response.
If it rings up wrong, it’s free.
My cousin went to the grocery store and rang up his groceries at the self-checkout counter, but he noticed that something rang up for the wrong price. After finishing his transaction, he asked customer service about their policy.
The customer service representative informed him that if something is rung up for an incorrect amount, it’s free. He pulled out his receipt where his item was rung up incorrectly.
He told them that he had been charged wrong for an item. The customer service person looked at the receipt and didn’t see any overcharges, but my cousin calmly pointed out that he had been charged around $3 for something that should have been $4, and because it rang up for an incorrect amount, the item should be free.
He got his money back, as well as the item for free! However, the next time he returned to the store, the policy had been clarified to state that if an item rang up for more than it was listed in the aisle, it was free.
He did a good deed by being honest. Let’s check out the comments of other people on Reddit.
This user makes a valid point.
This person shares a similar experience.
Short and simple.
This person thinks it’s a state law.
Lastly, here’s a lucky customer sharing their story.
Rules are rules, and businesses should be the first to follow them.
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